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Salt Springs Civic Association


P.O. Box 5075, Salt Springs, FL  32134


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The Salt Springs Civic Association, Inc. is a chartered not-for-profit corporation who sponsors numerous projects and activities within the community and works to keep Salt Springs the desirable place that it has been for many years.  Funded solely through donations, annual membership dues, and various fund raising activities, the Association maintains the buildings & grounds at our Community Park on Hwy 316 via the "Friends of the Park" Project.  For more information, please feel free to contact us or attend our quarterly town hall style meetings.


Have questions, concerns, suggestions, feedback and/or just want to be added to our e-newsletter distribution list?  Simply type into the fields below & hit "send".  We look forward to hearing from you!

Feel free to contact us -- any time!

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Community Town Hall Meetings are held quarterly (January, April, July & October) on the third Monday of the month at the Community Center located on the Park grounds on Hwy 316 starting at 7:00pm.  All are welcome to attend -- Bring your Friends, Family & Neighbors!  Meetings are open to the public and routinely feature guest speakers.  We invite you to join us for lively discussions on community concerns and plans for current & future local events and activities.  For additional information, please contact us or watch the Parks' message board on Hwy 316 for details on upcoming events. We hope to see you at our next meeting!

Salt Springs Civic Park located on Hwy 316, just West of the intersction of State Rd 19, in downtown Salt Springs, the Park is maintained by the Civic Association.  Open year-round from dawn-to-dusk, the Park offers basketball, soccer, tennis, pickle ball, volleyball, bocce ball, a walking trail, playground, picnic area, and bandstand. There is also a Community Center building on the grounds, available for public rental for private parties/functions. Please contact us for more info.


"Friends of the Park" are persons who want to help keep our Community Park thriving and growing by making monetary and/or time donations toward the maintenance and up-keep. Association Membership dues are also utilized toward Park improvements, as all costs for the up-keep and maintenance at the Park are the responsibility of the Civic Association's "Friends of the Park" project, as per our Park-Partnership agreement with the Marion County Parks & Recreation Department. Expenses are paid through donations, fund raising activities, and annual membership dues contributed by residents, visitors, and local businesses who support our numerous activities.  Through their generosity, we are able to do many good things within the community.  Membership is $20 per person per year, or $35 per year for businesses/organizations.  For additional information, please contact us or attend any of our quarterly meetings.

Members & Supporters are the reason we're able to do all that we do, and our members do make a big difference within our community!  Donations of any dollar amount are gratefully accepted and membership is $20 per calendar year, per person or $35 per year for businesses/organizations.  For additional information, please contact us or attend our quarterly meetings.


Something Worth Noting - SALT SPRINGS - Life in the Big Scrub by Carey Ferrell, a new book that's been published and is available via the Salt Springs Civic Association!  In this new book, the author weaves together the history and legend of one of Florida's premier springs, the development of the present day Salt Springs community, and a number of notable (and sometimes humorous) events along the way.  With 150 pages and over 140 photographs & illustrations, it includes the history & legend of the Springs, the Salt Springs community, Lake Kerr, Kauffman Island & the Timuquan Indians, the development & collapse of Kerr City, Kerr City Revisited & the amazing Smiley Brothers, the magnificent Ocklawaha then & now, Hollywood comes to the Big Scrub, Is "Big Foot" in the Big Scrub?, the recovery of a WWII Fighter Plane from Lake Kerr, the day the Navy bombed Jesse Mobley's Grocery Store, Bill Westling & his Salt Springs Art Gallery, Walt Disney World in Ocala-Almost, and "Idelwilde" on Lake Kerr-home away from home. To get your copy of this cherished keepsake & history of Salt Springs, contact us!  It's a good read.  Click Here for the Informational Flyer.


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